
Master of Science Program in Environmetrics - PPGAmb

The M.Sc. Program in Environmetrics (PPGAmb) is linked to the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Physiscs (IMEF) at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG). The goal of this Graduate Program is to qualify students in Environmetal Sciences with special emphasis on quantitative analyses and modelling, mostly in coastal and marine environments.

Environmetrics is the field of quantitative scientific research dedicated to describe and analyse, through mathematical and statistical models , the structure and dynamic of environmental systems. It helps to understand the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment and also to evaluate the impact of human pressure on these environments. It further provides tools to suport evidence-based decision making aimed at sustainable exploration of natural resources.

The term “Environmetrics” was coined by the scientific community in the 1980's, in connection with the criation of The International Environmetrics Society (TIES), associated to the International Statistical Institute (ISI). TIES is also in charge of a scientific journal entitled Environmetrics (Wiley Online Library).


Research Field as classified by CAPES: Environmental Sciences

Within the general field classified as Environmental Sciences by CAPES, our Graduate Program is designed to apply and develop statistical and mathemathical methods to integrate data and theory in order to produce evidence-based answers to relevante, often complex, problems.


Lines of Research:

Environmental Data Analysis – this research field is directed towards using, adapting or criating methodology to collect and analyse quantitative data produced by observational or experimental environmental studies.

Environmental Modelling – this research field is directed towards adapting, improving or developing statistical and mathematica models, testing its performance by simulation and proposing generalizations for widespread use in environmental quantitative studies.